Friday, April 1, 2011

Decision Rules

A decision table is a rule defining a series of tests performed on property values to allow an automated decision. Decision table are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTable rule type.

Decision tables can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if... then... else conditions.

A decision tree rule defines a series of tests that are performed on property values to allow an automated decision. Decision trees are instances of the Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type.

Decision trees can capture and present business logic in the form of one or more if... then... else conditions.

A map value rule is a rule that converts one or two input values, such as latitude and longitude numbers, into a calculated result value, such as a city name. The rule uses ranges for the input value or values and a matrix to look up the result.

Map value rules are instances of the Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type. This rule type is part of the Decision category.

When condition rule: When rule defines a true-false test based on comparing on or more property values with constant values or with other property values. A when condition rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-When rule type


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  5. Hi, Could any body Please tell me, In which situation we use Decision Tree and in which situation we go for Decision Table?

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